The world of replicas has now become big business for many, who
take old cars and slap on the body of some exotic Italian supercar, then
try to sell it on to those who want to want to get a very small taste
of what it`s actually like to drive one of these cars.
Price is also an issue, and even good replicas are extremely cheap, when compared to what the actual car might end up costing. The car in the pictures is not a Ferrari Enzo, though it may look like it, from a distance. Upon closer inspection, a trained eye will spot the clear signs that this is not the real thing, despite the fact that the builder of this car got its proportions and size almost spot on.
To keep it as authentic as possible, the engine is mounted in the middle (as it should), and it is a 5-liter V12, which has been tuned to 400 hp. It is most likely sourced from a BMW 850i, and it should do its job nicely - it is connected to a six-speed manual gearbox.
Furthermore, the car has 8-piston calipers up front and 6-piston ones at the back, and the engine breathes out through an original Ferrari exhaust, sourced from an old F50. If this has sparked up your appetite for cheap V12 goodness, the price may come as a surprise, especially when you compare it to how other replicas are priced - the current highest eBay bid is €40,000 or $52,780.
Price is also an issue, and even good replicas are extremely cheap, when compared to what the actual car might end up costing. The car in the pictures is not a Ferrari Enzo, though it may look like it, from a distance. Upon closer inspection, a trained eye will spot the clear signs that this is not the real thing, despite the fact that the builder of this car got its proportions and size almost spot on.
To keep it as authentic as possible, the engine is mounted in the middle (as it should), and it is a 5-liter V12, which has been tuned to 400 hp. It is most likely sourced from a BMW 850i, and it should do its job nicely - it is connected to a six-speed manual gearbox.
Furthermore, the car has 8-piston calipers up front and 6-piston ones at the back, and the engine breathes out through an original Ferrari exhaust, sourced from an old F50. If this has sparked up your appetite for cheap V12 goodness, the price may come as a surprise, especially when you compare it to how other replicas are priced - the current highest eBay bid is €40,000 or $52,780.
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