Thursday, June 7, 2012

Saab sold! Again. Probably.

You'll note that we have yet to remove Saab from the dropdown menu at the top of the Autoblog home page. Indeed, for a bankrupt company that hasn't built a new car from scratch yet this year, Saab generates a surprising amount of news, however, little of it has been the good kind. Perhaps that will all change today, as this latest report indicates that the company has actually been sold for real this time.

According to The Local, an English-language Swedish news site, the new owner of Saab is understood to be National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB, "a Swedish-registered company founded by a Hong Kong-based firm specialised in alternative energy and a Japanese investment fund."

NEVS would only confirm that it had made a bid for Saab before the April 7 deadline, according to the report, which said that court administrators also refused to comment, though an official announcement is expected later this month. The offer is said to be in the $208-$250 million range and excludes the parts operation.

The report says news of the sale was shared by the Trollhättan city manager, and though she did not know who the buyer was, she said she had been told the deal would be inked this week. Shortly after media began reporting the story, however, a public relations official for the city denied that anyone at the city knew about any deal, characterizing the leak as a "misinterpretation," according to the report.

While we have imagined many times in recent months that we had written the final word on this Swedish soap opera, clearly this isn't it. 

Via: The Local

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