Wednesday, January 16, 2013

General Motors Announces Creation of New Jobs and Additional Shifts

General Motors Announces Creation of New Jobs and Additional Shifts
While the European automotive industry is experiencing the worst period in the last 30 years, in the US things are very different. Following an announcement made by Ford, regarding the addition of new jobs (2,350 by 2015), General Motors has also made similar announcements, through its own and UAW officials.

The UAW president, Bob King, announced that he expects GM to soon pass the 20,000 jobs mark, added since the 2009 bankruptcy. No further details were given, but it is expected that Joe Ashton, VP in charge of the union’s GM side of things, will be making additional announcements soon.

This would mean the addition of at least 2,000 new jobs, to the 18,000 they have already added since 2009. It would bring about the creation of additional shifts at some of their manufacturing locations, as well as the launch of new products, in 2013 and 2014.

Still, GM expects a profit increase for 2013, a year which is all about setting the stage for improved revenue, market share and profit growth going forward," according to Chuck Stevens, chief financial officer of GM North America and GM South America, despite announcing it as a modest year, on the local US market.

Aside from Ford and GM, Chrysler has also announced, towards the conclusion of 2012, that they have already added an impressive 5,700 hourly jobs, at their various sites in Detrout, since the company was taken over by Fiat, back in 2009.

Story via The Detroit Free Press

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