Thursday, January 10, 2013

Futuristic Indian Motorcycles Bike Concept by Wojtek Bachleda

Futuristic Indian Motorcycles Bike Concept by Wojtek Bachleda

So, Indian Motorcycles are back with a bang, or at least that's what Polaris, the actual owner of Indian tells us. The new generation of Indians are to be lighter, more, powerful, and cheaper, Polaris officials say. Maybe they should also pay designer Wojtek Bachleda a visit and have a chat, for he seems to have some great ideas.

A design student, Wojtek Bachleda bent his future-driven mind on what may be one day the guideline of a new generation of motorcycles. And since we took a quick peek at some of his works, we'd say he's clearly not afraid to bring the future into the actual concepts he's creating.

The present model has nothing to do with what Indian are preparing for 2013, but who said it should have had? Wojtek Bachleda is weighing future trends and reshapes both the heritage of the Indian bikes and his vision on what bikes could transform into: and the result is as daring and straightforward as it could ever be.

We're not saying that Indian Motorcycles should stop building their chromed-out cruisers. It's just that no manufacturer should rule out bold ideas only because they might seem ahead of their time.

PS: we love the vintage touch the vacuum tube brings into this concept.

Via Derestricted.

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